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Taken from UCC Intercultural Ministries News: 

It is significant to note that there has been a spike in anti-Asian racism directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic. As well, the virus has disproportionately impacted many Black and Latinx communities in America.

Kim Uyede-Kai, Minister, Communities of Faith Support and Right Relations, has produced a great resource, available on Shining Waters Regional Council's website. In this resource, titled "COVID-19 and the Racism Pandemic We Need to Talk About", Uyede-Kai provides insights on how people of Asian descent are experiencing racism in Canada during this pandemic. She also sheds light on the dangers COVID-19 poses to racialized Canadians as well as provides useful tools on how people of faith can help “flatten the curve” of racism during this pandemic and beyond.

On a similar note, John Dorhauer, General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ, a full communion partner of The United Church of Canada, wrote about COVID-19 and racism in the American context. When asked “why we hadn’t commented on the racism inherent in the spread of the virus,” he found himself being confronted by his white privilege. Read the full article.